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Results for: 'Miles Davis' Sound'


Moving Johnson House at the University of Vermont

By: tvisser

In July 2005, the University of Vermont had its historic Johnson House moved across Main Street to make way for the construction of Dudley H. Davis Student Center in 2007. Originally built in 1806 at the corner of Main Street and University Place,...


Poetry Robot 0.91 beta

By: waw

Artist Tina Escaja. Sound activated, Infrared proximity sensor, audio detector, custom Arduino code. And Spanish poetry engraved in legs by laser.


Weekly Rites 2

By: jpowers2

Music is inspiration. It is a way of expression, and movement with a dash of sound is magic. This is me in my natural habitat and my random radio playlists :)


Weekly Rite 4 -- Beethoven

By: eseyler

What began as an exploration of movement in shadow three weeks ago becomes, today, an homage to Beethoven's brilliance. This part of Concerto No. 2 always chokes me up because of the beauty and silence and peace of it. (Turn your sound up to hear ...


Weekly Rites #4 Zoey November

By: znovembe

Autumn is An artist who uses An oak leaf on which To paint a masterpiece. –William Allen Ward What a gorgeous day! Nothing like a joyful walk in the woods to get out some of the midterm stress. Instead of filming what I saw with my eye...


Lecture: Herbal Support for Community Healing & Transformation (ENVS195OL3-PBHM2020)

By: kcelmer

Lecture in Module 6 -the final module. Sound quality for the video clip from adrienne marie brown is poor so you may choose to listen to it directly on Youtube here:


The One About Alcohol

By: efpope

Is alcohol a health food? What does it do to your brain and how do we metabolize it? Can you be as cool as Prof. Lizzy if you don't drink it? All of these questions and more answered during a round of Never Have I Ever. Intro - 0:21 Lizzy's...


Pedagogical Sound Bite: The Power of Transparent Assignment Design

By: ctl

This workshop presents an overview of Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (TILT), an award-winning, scholarly project focused on improving students' learning experiences.  Evidence from a national study shows that when facul...


Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview

By: ctl

Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...