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Results for: 'CHO'


Chapter 4: End of Life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Chapter 4: Understanding Your Rights in Vermont


Chapter 5: End of Life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Chapter 5: Vermont's Act 39, Death with Dignity Law.


Weekly Rite 4 -- Beethoven

By: eseyler

What began as an exploration of movement in shadow three weeks ago becomes, today, an homage to Beethoven's brilliance. This part of Concerto No. 2 always chokes me up because of the beauty and silence and peace of it. (Turn your sound up to hear ...


Weekly Rite 5

By: semacdon

All that love all those mistakes. I go to school in Vermont. Wing. Davis. Wilks. I live in a dorm that I hate with a human being I love. Coolidge. I am miserable at... 500 So. Prospect Apt. 4-24. These are the front steps to my hom...



By: omalone

connect serene mud shrubbery chorus we find ourselves but have no idea where we are feel the frogs


(lost and) found

By: omalone

how did i get here? it was a blur like a rainy day walk home when you look down focus on each step forward focusing your vision under your umbrella not fully remembering what or who you passed by on the way but your sneakers are wet...


Aleah, Tyler, Jill - S2016 Projection

By: dellis1

My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...