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Results for: 'UVM; University of Vermont; UVM Continuing and Distance Education'
Spectrum of Disease in CTE Pat Maley
A talk discussing: the spectrum of disease in chronic traumatic encephalopathy by Ann McKee and colleagues.
A subjective interview, by Connor Moore, evaluated by Miranda Nelson and Andrew Nadeau.
This final project is a product of work done by Noah Logan, Dan Cameron, and Jonathan Saunders.
Anxiety and Adversity from the Coronavirus: COMU 123 Final Presentation
This is my final presentation for my COMU 123 class.
The Consumption of Dairy in the Young and the Risk of Developing Type 1 Diabetes
introduction to relational translations PHIL013
An introduction to relational logic, with an explanation of relations and how to translate relational sentences with no quantifiers or one quantifier.
HDFS 060 Episode 27 Families & Macrosystems
Professor Shelton discusses changes in macrosystems and the processes of adaptation families experience when their macrosystems change or when they move from one macrosystem to another.
Chandler Naomi Podcast: Coral Reefs
Coral Reefs and Marine biologist Tim Gordon's experiments with audio restoration