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Results for: 'UVM; University of Vermont; UVM Continuing and Distance Education'
Human-animal contact in the Anthropocene: The link between climate change and zoonotic disease
Short podcast about how climate change is contributing to the emergence of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19. By Kristen Werner
A podcast explaining how Australia became home to the largest number of marsupials in the world and why these mammals evolved the way they did.
Climate Change and Photorespiration Podcast
BCOR011E semester project. Music Credit: Mystic Gate - Siddhartha Corsus
Access to Health Care Information (Group 11)
Exploration of perception of health care information availability and quality.
Popeye Gopher Spinach but Modern
Popeye Gopher Spinach but with synth loops and trap beats instead of classical music. My Logic Project 3 for MU 060
SG-FECC Optional Coaches Meeting 1-4-21
This is a 60 minute discussion going over the schedule, format and details of Round II of the 2021 SG-FECC.