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Results for: 'Tree health'


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 3: Tree Physiology

By: mmcdonal

George Conklin gives an introduction to sugaring


EE 001 Final Project

By: jtheophi

EE 001 Project on a Christmas Tree



By: uvmext

The law is very clear as to what can be sold as pure maple syrup; only the liquid derived by concentration and heat treatment of the sap of the maple tree. No processing that adds or removes naturally occurring soluble materials is allowed. This d...


Fall Color

By: uvmext

Autumn colors in leaves of maple trees is an annual phenomenon that is highly prized for its beauty and is also economically important. As day length shortens, the tree stops making new green chlorophyll pigment while the chlorophyll already in th...


Invasive Worms

By: uvmext

Gardeners know that earthworms can be beneficial for growing vegetables and flowers by helping with soil aeration and producing fertilizer through their castings. Sugar makers may not know that earthworms and relatively newer invaders the so-calle...


Maple Laws

By: uvmext

The law is very clear on what can be sold as pure maple syrup; only "the liquid derived by concentration and heat treatment of the sap of the maple tree". No processing that "adds or removes naturally occurring soluble materials" is allowed. This ...



By: uvmext

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...



By: uvmext

Like people, plants have strong mechanisms to prevent the spread of microorganisms within their tissues. Trees are capable of "walling off" wounds to prevent infections from spreading throughout the tree. This healing process also slows, and event...


Sugarbush Management 2

By: uvmext

Late summer, while leaves are still green is a good time to assess the trees in your sugarbush. Weak or declining individuals will show areas of crown dieback. Trees with more than 75% dieback will likely not survive but are still competing for li...