
Analyzing The Outcomes of a Comprehensive Pain Management Program

By: pmcclurg

How might comprehensive pain programs help patients living with chronic pain? We analyzed the Comprehensive Pain Program through UVM Integrative Health to find out how completion of the program affected patients across health domains comprising ph...


Age Well: Home Health Care Shortages in Northwestern VT during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: jsaltman

PHP Group 09: Age Well Jeremy Altman, Matt Breseman, Edom Girma, Alex Kubacki, Louisa Moore, Amanda Nattress, Noah Sorkow, Kristen Wright


PHP 16: Initial Assessment of a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care

By: vgupta

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 16's poster assessing a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care.


Chris Stone - Graduation

By: cburges1

"Graduation" is a collection of recordings of some of my favorite songs that I learned during my time here at UVM. It was also my senior project as a Music Technology & Business major. All songs were recorded during the Spring 2021 semester in the...


Motivators for Convalescent Plasma Donors during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: bassoumo

LCOM Class of 2024 American Red Cross Public Health Project by Assoumou B, Bales N, Chang A, Cook H, Heredia K, Fischer C, Plochoki A, Lamping J, Fung M.


PHP 12 Hunger Free Vermont

By: tllong

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


PHP Group 13: Attitudes Toward Informational Health Videos among People with Intellectual Disabilities

By: tharknes

Informational health videos targeted at people with intellectual disabilities were made and evaluated as part of a Public Health Project.


PHP Group 6: Addressing the Needs of Sara Holbrook Community Center Caregivers​

By: amilne2

Using interviews of Sara Holbrook Community Center (SHCC) staff and surveys sent out to caregivers (i.e., parents and guardians) of the children who attend SHCC, we identified the most common stressors for caregivers. We then proposed three action...