
Canine Detection of Bovine Respiratory Disease

By: lnemetz

ASCI098 - World of Working Animals


MCU: State Machine/ Control LED with push button

By: 86mgalla

Use state machines to achieve real time control behavior of your led.


Nutrition Advice for Managing Food Allergies in College

By: hmtrembl

In this podcast we discuss food allergies and other dietary restrictions in college. Including how students can work to ensure they are getting enough of required nutrients, special considerations when eating in dining halls and school settings, a...


NFS 143 Podcast Project- McKenzie Ballard, Ava Vasile, Kristiana Strtak

By: mballard

podcast project- fertility in women ages 20-35 with celiac disease


Eating Disorders in Adolescents

By: kbkirby

Calling all teenagers and loved ones of teenagers! Being a teen, especially in the age of social media, can be really challenging and can sometimes result in a complicated relationship with body image and food. We are here to talk you through eati...


College Breakfast Habits

By: lfenste1

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is often recognized as a universal saying. However, do we really know the effects the first things we are eating have on the rest of our day? We discuss the importance of eating breakfast and how ...


Vermont Medicine Cover Timeline

By: ckehoe

Vermont Medicine Cover Timeline


Yackee and Yackee Journal Club

By: dbrichar

4/5/23 Journal Club by David Richardson, Jonas Hamilton, and Quinn Houston


Panel Data 2 exercise for SPSS

By: 97dconne

CDAE 359 Panel Data 2 exercise for SPSS