
HDFS 161 Episode 20 Develecological Health Proposal

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton Describes the process of develecological analysis and elaborates on an example proposing ecosystem changes to increase the health of a community.


37th Annual Rubenstein School Graduate Research Symposium: Session 1

By: krewcast

This symposium featured research presentations from six RSENR masters students who shared their exciting research and answered questions from the RSENR community.


RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Dr. Mysha Clarke

By: krewcast

For the second installment of the 2020 RSENR Fall Seminar Series featuring early career researchers, Dr. Mysha Clarke gave a presentation entitled "Using protection motivation theory to understand invasive plant management on family forestlands".


How to write a stellar RKP paper

By: cemorse

Instructions for rural knowledge paper, 2.


Current Speech Event

By: mebourqu

My speech assignment on a 20 minute speech (Joe Biden's eulogy for John McCain's memorial service)


Current event speech, Megan Dunn

By: mdunn4

Spch 011 A current event speech


Verbal atom cracking speech

By: kbushwel

Verbal atom cracking speech


SPCH 011 Current event speech

By: rblanchf

Rylie Blanchfield Current event speech