
Human Inquiry and Science Part1

By: 97dconne

Human Inquiry and Science Lecture Part 1


Sugarbush Management 2

By: uvmext

Late summer, while leaves are still green is a good time to assess the trees in your sugarbush. Weak or declining individuals will show areas of crown dieback. Trees with more than 75% dieback will likely not survive but are still competing for li...


Solidworks Animation Test: Door

By: csword

An animation resulting from providing instructions to Solidworks to output a video based on build order.


Weekly Rites #10 - Zoey November

By: znovembe

For the final weekly rite, I went back and watched all my previous weekly rites and picked out moments and movements that I really liked. I pieced some of them together, and picked a song at random to dance to, which ended up fitting well and addi...


Public Health

By: rdoane

This is a video of a powerpoint presentation showing how people view public health and what public health is and how it is important.


Public Health Video Project

By: lstigers

What is public health? What are its functions? How can you be a part of public health? Intended audience: 8th graders


CS125 - Reducibility EQTM

By: rdasari

This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.


HST67/ENVS167#7-3: Environmental Movements

By: anbuchan

Lecture on development of modern environmental movement.


Drill Press Safety

By: pdecause

Drill press setup and operation