
leg and dorsum of foot

By: larms

anatomy lecture on leg and dorsum of foot


MU 060 Scoring a rhythmic video, pt. 1

By: dfeurzei

Finding videos on the Internet Archive


Lab 5. Video 2. Determination of Protein in Samples

By: palvarez

Part 2. Determination of protein in samples.


CDAE168 Products Part 1

By: 97dconne

CDAE168 Products Part 1 video lecture


Ayurveda: Group Hyssop

By: aberish

This project touches on the concepts of Ayurveda and how they connect to herbalism, plants, and modern day practices.


2020 Crop Update #1

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US again in total production with 2.2 million gallons. That is 50% of all the syrup made in the country. Vermont suga...


Outlook on the web

By: pjp

A brief overview of the web based email and calendar client for UVM. This version of Outlook on the web is part of Microsoft's Exchange Server 2016, and is UVM's web based solution for email and calendar as of December 29th, 2015.


GRS001#29_Resistance and Rebellion

By: anbuchan

Lecture introducing part three of the course, "Resistance and Rebellion."


2010-05-10 Mining Mount Mansfield for Powder

By: waw

Just a couple of guys looking for snow with their dog.