
Weekly Rite 5

By: semacdon

All that love all those mistakes. I go to school in Vermont. Wing. Davis. Wilks. I live in a dorm that I hate with a human being I love. Coolidge. I am miserable at... 500 So. Prospect Apt. 4-24. These are the front steps to my hom...


spontaneous show proofs PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video on how to do proofs where you write down SHOW statements that don't come from specific derivation rules.


HDFS 161 Episode 16 Part 2

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton continues his discussion of the contrast between the assembly line paradigm for education and a develecological paradigm.


Melting Migration: How reduced sea ice is starving polar bears during the summer

By: ewright6

Final podcast project for BIOL 195: Intro to Marine Science, Dr. May Collado


Designing for Learning faculty interviews

By: ctl

Interviews with faculty who participated in the CTL and WID sponsored program Designing for Learning.