
Maple Color Grades

By: uvmext

There are four grades of pure maple syrup; Golden Color/Delicate Taste, Amber Color/Rich Taste, Dark Color/Robust Taste and Very Dark Color/Strong Taste. Each grade has a range in color as defined by its light transmittance. Knowing the color of p...


Demystifying the Review Process

By: ktoksu

OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., explains: what you need to know about the procedural aspects of grant review; who your reviewers are; how to write to meet your reviewers needs, and more.


UVM Art History Symposium 2021

By: khelmstu

Erin Petit: Hidden Histories: The Colmar Treasure and Jewish Cultural Heritage Kat Schinella: Orientalism in Auction Houses: A Provenance Exploration of Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1948 Farm Yard in the Fleming Museum of Art Dulcie Ulloa: The Deat...


PHP 12 Hunger Free Vermont

By: tllong

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


Evolving Treatment Paradigms for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth

By: tcandido

The Vito Imbasciani, Ph.D., M.D. ’85 and George DiSalvo LGBTQ Health Equity Lecture entitled Evolving Treatment Paradigms for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth by Jack Turban, M.D. Stanford University School of Medicine, recorded September 28, ...


Group 5 PHP Presentation

By: mmohardt

"Health Benefits Are Associated with Employment Status for People with Intellectual Disabilities"


Acting with an Accent: Farsi [part 3 of 6]

By: danaref

Six-part audio course in learning to speak with a Farsi accent. Part of the LearnAccent.com series. Licensed by the Dana Medical Library from Dialect Access Specialists for use by UVM affiliates only. The audio files may not be downloaded or co...