
CDAE 2680 Place Part 1

By: 97dconne

CDAE 2680 Place Video lecture Part 1


Chapt 2 Four Major Bacterial Pathogens of Concern

By: tpritcha

This is a description of the four major bacterial pathogens of concern including sources of the organism as well as foods associated with them and finally measures to put in place to control them. NOTE: Exclude food handlers who have these from yo...


Chap 2 Viruses Parasites and Fungi

By: tpritcha

Discussion of general characteristics of each. Special discussion of both Hepatitis A and Norovirus. Parasites includes mention of worms and importance of knowing that fish to be served raw or undercooked must be frozen first to kill worms. Trichi...


Med Push

By: gzeiterg

Med Push


Literals, types, expressions, and operators

By: cbcafier

Literals, types, expressions, and operators


Limited dependent variable video lecture

By: 97dconne

Limited dependent variable video lecture


What is Public Health

By: kgerace

What is Public Health and why is it important?