

By: distance

Join the conversation on beer styles with Joel Hueston, Mike Kallenberger, Kristen Sykes, Isaac Arthur and Patrick Turman. Part 2



By: uvmext

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...


Demonstration Speech

By: cmevers

This is my "Demonstration Speech."


Estridge, van Beever, McAleer, Nylen, Hansen

By: sestridg

BSAD 15 sustainability initiative video


See what you have checked out from the library

By: 98astoke

Short tutorial on viewing what items you have checked out from UVM Libraries.


Lantigua: Antibiotic Resistance Podcast

By: alantigu

Who will I want the audience to be? I want the audience to be people who enjoy learning about the mysteries of the world but may not have a degree in science. I love listening to all kinds of podcasts and how they can highlight and teach about...


Ashkinaze, Flemming, McConvay, Guo, Li

By: jashkina

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video