
Clinical Introduction 1

By: eadams

intro video, part 1


Teach a Circuit Video

By: ckuiper

My assignment 7 video for unit 2.


Infant Microbiome: How Microbes Form Mutualistic Relationships with the Human Body

By: echynes

Scientific podcast for BCOR012 discussing the importance of the infant microbiome and the interaction between the bacteria and the host.


Enter the title of your poster here

By: jraven

A brief description of your poster


Card Party

By: okennedy

Here is my take on the Lumière's "Partie de cartes" which I have retitled "Card Party". Note as with the original this is shot in 1.33:1/4:3 aspect ratio, black and white, 16 frames per second.


Dx Video 5-Wrap up

By: bguitar

Last in 5 dx videos