
Where will Wildlife Cross the Road? Using Electrical Circuit Analysis to Map Wildlife Movement and Inform Transportation Management in VT

By: vmc

This was presented by Caitlin Drasher. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to https://www.uvm.edu/femc/cooperative/c...


Sock Throw Video for lab 3

By: mnachsin

This is a video for phys 021, it accompanies my lab 3 report


Stability and Power

By: abelongi

3 exercise workout focused on power and stability.



By: uvmext

The Vermont maple law requires packaged maple syrup have a density of between 66.9 and 68.9 degrees Brix. Brix is a measure of sugar concentration in a pure sugar solution. Although we know there are other many dissolved minerals in maple syrup th...


Valorisation de circuits courts, par la Francophonie « Des options originales pour acheter local!

By: rcbartle

Le contexte pandémie en évolution a mis en lumière l’importance de valoriser les produits agroalimentaires sur les marchés locaux, de s’approvisionner localement, de commercialiser en circuits courts. À travers cette conférence, donnée en collabor...


Ghafoori, Mark AT HOME PITCH

By: mgghafoo

Recording of my pitch for BSAD 015 class.


2003-03-23 SkiVt-L Party Day 1

By: waw

Annual Ski Club Party