
Noah Logan EE003 Module 2 Project

By: nclogan

This is my video to go with my module 2 project.


Win/win-group practice

By: nwei

It have definition of win/win and how to use win/win in our normal life


Lens Distortion Procedure for Kinovea

By: lsavard

This video demonstrates the steps to correct the lens distorsion to make measurements with Kinovea


Dragonfly Larvae as Mercury Biosentinels: From National Parks to National Forests

By: vmc

This was presented by Kate Buckman. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to https://www.uvm.edu/femc/cooperative/conf...


2021 Conference Opening Remarks

By: vmc

This presentation is the opening remarks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to https://www.uvm.edu/femc/cooperative/conference/2021


Zhang, Song, Alexy, Bosworth, Webb

By: czhang7

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Motivators for Convalescent Plasma Donors during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: bassoumo

LCOM Class of 2024 American Red Cross Public Health Project by Assoumou B, Bales N, Chang A, Cook H, Heredia K, Fischer C, Plochoki A, Lamping J, Fung M.



By: anbuchan

Lecture on social consequences of anthropogenic climate change