
2004-04-28 Earned Turns on Mount Mansfield

By: waw

Late season after the resorts are closed a community of hiker skiers congregate on the slopes, trails,and trees of Mount Mansfield.


Brown bat echolocation

By: lmaycoll

recording of brown bat recorded in Dr May Collado's backyard summer 2020


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 3: Tree Physiology

By: mmcdonal

George Conklin gives an introduction to sugaring


Glass of Water Counting Device

By: bmonarca

This video is an overview of a device that counts the glasses of water someone drinks per day. It was made for the EE001 final project for the Spring 2020 semester.


Weekly Rites 10

By: jpowers2

Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson was always that song for me that I loved listening to in the car especially when it was yucky weather outside, and I though that channeling the inner thoughts of myself when I'm a passenger in car would be a cool way to...


Public Health by Evan Ray

By: emray

A video introducing public health and explaining the importance of it