
The Evolution of Care for the Transgender Community in Medicine 

By: iajohnso

The Creation of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy, Surgery, and healthcare


Weeklyrites 5- hand works

By: hchen6

Wanna use hands to represent dancers and explore the with the hand shadows


WFB 224 Intro to systems thinking lab

By: nwaring

This is a LOOPY narrated video describing the major parts of the Grant and Grant 1993 paper assigned for the first lab of WFB 224.


EE 001 Final Project

By: dgasperi

Describing how my final project works and then showing a demo on it functioning


Weekly Rites #9 Di Lu

By: dlu3

This is the Chinese sign language for the lyrics. This song is about Thanksgiving. Thank everyone in life, thank life.


Sopher, Matan At Home BNP

By: mjsopher

Business News Presentation