
Phase objects - continued

By: plintilh

Describes how transparent objects may only retard light without diffracting it


Truthiness and Falsiness In Python

By: cbcafier

Truthiness and Falsiness In Python


HDFS 161 Episode 5 Develecological Advocacy

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton applies the principles of develecology to the practice of advocacy.


Registering for Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

By: ddesanto

This brief video details how to register through the Libraries for an Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery account.


Weekly Rites #5 Zoey November

By: znovembe

Most of my weekly rites up til now have been less "dance-y" but after seeing Sean Dorsey Dance perform on Friday night, I was inspired improvise focusing on gesture and hand/arm-initiated movement. I like dancing in response to performances that I...


Weekly Rites #6 Zoey November

By: znovembe

I was feeling really goofy and stressed out this week, so I decided to film myself doing yoga and then I did this with the footage.


FSC visits Colorado

By: waw

SkiVT-Lers acknowledge that good skiing can be found outside of Vermont. In this episode, we test that proposition.