
Community Priorities Public Health Project

By: smuniz

This is a poster and recording of our public health project, in conjunction with the United Way of Northern Vermont, on community priorities in light of COVID 19.


MMG195A Lecture 18 - Dyes, Stains, Antibodies, Fluorescent Proteins

By: msymeoni

Lecture 18 for MMG195A, Spring 2020 semester. By Dr. Menelaos Symeonides.


Does Prenatal Care Modify the Effect of Maternal Body Mass Index and Race on Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes?

By: edickin1

A look into the association of maternal obesity and race to gestational weight gain and infant birth weight outcomes using PRAMS 2016-2017 (phase 8) dataset.


Brass tech midterm

By: szauli

Brass tech midterm


James Doherty Ceremonial Speech

By: jdohert1

SPCH011 Ceremonial Speech


Healthcare Delays during COVID-19 Oral Presentation

By: msalusti

This presentation outlines the preliminary data collected in the state of Vermont on community members perceptions on healthcare delays due to COVID-19.