
Conner Moen C3 lightning talk June 2023

By: 97dconne

Conner Moen C3 lightning talk June 2023


Project Overview: Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping

By: vmc

This video gives an overview of the Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping (NEFCCEM) study's background, as well as instructions on how to utilize its interactive GIS web experience.


GIS Tool How-To: Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping

By: vmc

This video provides an overview on how to navigate through the NEFCCEM's GIS web tool, showing some tips and tricks along the way. LINK: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/338c5cdfbb844c4b9ea109a1e8de987a


NFS 143 College Nutrition Assignment

By: sjberman

NFS 143 Module 3 Professor Rose


Sustainability Mission and Vision video lecture

By: 97dconne

Sustainability Mission and Vision video lecture 2023


College nutrition video assignment

By: flazosil

Nutrition class assignment


Lab 01 Follow-up

By: cbcafier

Addressing minor issues noted in our first lab