Wounds, Gloves and Bare Hand Contact
This video identifies why wounds are an issue as well as how to properly use gloves. The discussion centers around proper use of gloves. Finally, there is a brief discussion of situations in which bare hand contact is allowed.

Proper Hand Washing and Hand Care
This video discusses how to wash hands, when to wash hands and what other items need to be addressed when thinking of your hands.

Safe Food Handler and Practices
Introduction to the food handler including things they may do that could lead to contamination.

Food Allergens Identified and Control Measures for the Restaurant
This video identifies the symptoms of an allergic response as well as the 8 major food allergens. Measures to control cross-contact with allergenic foods is discussed with special emphasis on what the server can do as well as what chefs can do to ...

Deliberate Contamination, ALERT and Responding to a FBO
This video identifies who might try to deliberately contaminate your product, how you can use the ALERT system to prevent such issues and finally what you should do should you suspect a FBO at your facility.

Chapt 2 Chemical and Physical Hazards
This is a video identifying chemical hazards and their sources. Physical hazards are also identified and control measures are identified.

Chapt. 2 Plant Toxins, Mushrooms and Seafood Toxins
The video identifies plant and seafood related biological toxins. These include poisonous mushrooms, honey from mountain laurel, Raw Fava Beans as well as Scombroid poisoning (histamine), Ciguatera poisoning as well as red tide in shellfish and sy...

Chap 2 Viruses Parasites and Fungi
Discussion of general characteristics of each. Special discussion of both Hepatitis A and Norovirus. Parasites includes mention of worms and importance of knowing that fish to be served raw or undercooked must be frozen first to kill worms. Trichi...

Chapt 2 Four Major Bacterial Pathogens of Concern
This is a description of the four major bacterial pathogens of concern including sources of the organism as well as foods associated with them and finally measures to put in place to control them. NOTE: Exclude food handlers who have these from yo...