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Results for: 'homework video'


relational categoricals PHIL013

By: mcweiner

A video about translating relational categoricals, sentences where one or more categories are joined by a relation, such as "Some people love all cats."


What Every Dean and Director Needs to Know About Labor Relations in the New UVM Environment

By: kmalaney

Deans, Directors, and supervisors are navigating a new environment as more UVM employees have joined collective bargaining units. This video led by Peter Blackmer, Associate Chief HR Officer, offers valuable insights into how to better understand...



By: slpinard

Video intro


LAT 002 Review Video

By: mcmcinti

The four conjugations, the five declensions, relative clauses


How to Access Career Center Resources on Blackboard

By: career

This 90-second video shows you how to gain instant access to UVM's Career Center resources.


What is Public Health?

By: htetzlaf

A brief video on Public Health, Hattie Tetzlaff


What Public Health Means to Me...

By: craihall

This is a video describing what peoples' interpretation of and understanding of public health is.