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Results for: 'Challenge Innovation Project'


MU 060 Logic Project 1: Magnetic Poetry

By: dfeurzei

Logic project #1 instructions


Logic project 1

By: schen29

the logic project about poem.


Noah Logan EE003 Module 2 Project

By: nclogan

This is my video to go with my module 2 project.


Module 2 Project

By: aahussei

Solving for NVM and Super position


PHYS021 Term Project trial video

By: jfwarren

Index card that projectile is being shot towards is set at 2m.


PHYS021 Term Project trial video better angle

By: jfwarren

Index card is exactly 2 m away from contraption, which is behind origin.


PHYS021 Final Project Video Data

By: crcharla

1st trial video for final project


Final Project: Video Data

By: mnachsin

My video of a trail for the final project.


PHYS021: Final Project: Video Data

By: jspiegle

A sample of video data of my contraption in motion. Due to poor lighting, as this was filmed at night, it will not be my final trial where I hit within 5 cm of 2 m, but I am at least demonstrating that my object is moving, and that I can record th...