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Results for: 'Lunch and Learn'


Iclickers in the Classroom

By: hpazamor

Clickers in the Science Classroom, Anatomy of a Clicker Question by SEI Science Education Initaitve. Learn about using clickers in the classroom to assess and engage student learning


Pedagogical Workshop: Increase Learning While Reducing Cheating

By: ctl

Research shows that cheating behavior is linked, not to individual students, but to the environment in which those students are learning. This is good news, because it means you can actually reduce cheating in your classes. The additional good new...


Welcome to the UVM Graduate Writing Center, Fall 2021

By: nwelch

Learn about what the Graduate Writing Center offers UVM graduate students and how to make an appointment.


Learning Effectively Online Part 2

By: 92csicca

A brief walkthrough of the resources available on the website related to learning online.


How to UnBoil an Egg

By: atrubek

Learn how to unboil an egg!


UVM Connect

By: career

Learn more about using UVM's own alumni networking platform


Persuasive speech

By: lgschoen

Why everyone should learn how to swim from a young age.


Introducing the Undergraduate Writing Center!

By: sbolandc

A captioned video describing UVM's Undergraduate Writing Center. Learn about how working with a peer writing tutor can benefit all writers, at all stages, in all disciplines!


Introducing the Undergraduate Writing Center!

By: writectr

A captioned video describing UVM's Undergraduate Writing Center. Learn about how working with a peer writing tutor can benefit all writers, at all stages, in all disciplines!