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Results for: 'MD | Hyperreflexia Mechanisms or Why reflex hammers are still useful'


Weekly Rites #6 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular expectations in mind. At the time I was feeling rather tired and cold; which is probably why I tended to go for slow movements and keeping my limbs close to my core. One thing I found a little ...


Recommendation for Routine AAA Screening in Men Ages 65-75 who smoke

By: mkilbrid

2 min elevator speech of why we should start incorporating a AAA screening in all men ages 65-75 who smoke or have ever smoked.


What is Public Health and why is it important?

By: zrhoden

This video contains a few of my fellow colleagues thoughts on what Piblic Health is and its importance.


What is Public Health

By: kgerace

What is Public Health and why is it important?


2003-03-14 Nose and chin

By: waw

Today finds the Friday Ski Club boys high atop "The Chin" of Mount Mansfield. Why? Just to ski back down.


Internship Basics

By: career

Why Intern & what makes for a quality internship?


Sound (Teaching) Bite: Why Active Learning Works (9/23/19)

By: ctl

Dr. Annie Murray-Close provides a quick overview of the literature about active learning, with concrete examples for small changes that can have positive impacts on students' attention and retention.


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 7: Some History and Why no more Grade B?

By: mmcdonal

Tour and instruction by George Conklin of Shelburne Farms


Outstanding Religion Senior - Carolynn van Arsdale

By: cvanarsd

Outstanding Religion Senior video- why UVM?