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Results for: 'ebb and flood tide'
Prepare & Adapt your Elevator Pitch
Elements of a strong pitch, and when and how to effectively use your pitch.
Lawrence Shelton Welcomes Students to HDFS
Lawrence Shelton welcomes new students to the Human Development and Family Studies program at UVM, and introduces himself.
HST67/ENVS167#3-3: The Global Predominance of Agriculture-Based Empires
Lecture reviewing the long global predominance of agriculture-based empires.
Welcome to ResLife! Executive Director, Rafael Rodriguez, and Associate Director of Residential Education, Amber Buck, give you the ins and outs of living on campus.
Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview
Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...
Students Perspective of Water and Beer
This video is a review of a students perspective of water,mass produced cheap beers, microbrews and finally home brewing.
connectives and truth value calculation PHIL013AB
A nine-minute video on the connectives we will use in statement logic, and how to calculate truth-values with those connectives.
The One About Fat Soluble Vitamins
In this video we talk about the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K! Check out what makes each one special, and in what foods or other sources you can find them. Fat vs. Water Soluble Vitamins - 0:56 Vitamin Functions - 2:01 Vitamin A - 2:5...