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Results for: 'college writing'
Cancel or Modify an Appointment with the Undergrad Writing Center
A walk through of how to cancel or modify your appointment in WC Online for the Undergraduate Writing Center. The video has captions.
In this captioned video, graduating Seniors reflect on what they gained during their time as writing tutors in the Undergraduate Writing Center at UVM.
Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Mentor Texts (Pt 3)
This video is captioned. In part three of our three-part series, we will go over how to use a mentor text as an example for how to structure your own work.
Build Your Own Value System in Your College Life
I stated that, in this video, the most important thing in college is to build your own value system. And also, this video is my reflection of Pinker's article, Deresiewics's article and Buton's video.
Screencast presentation with basic information about the Honors College's two partner programs: 1) the Principia Honors Consortium at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and 2) University College Maastricht at Maastricht University in the Nether...
In this screencast, we provide tips for the process of reading and then writing the short response.
Cancel or Modify an Appointment
A walk through of how to cancel or modify your appointment in WC Online for the Undergraduate Writing Center. The video has captions.
A walk through of how to make an appointment in WC Online for the Undergraduate Writing Center. The video has captions.