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Results for: 'Dance'

Mowzer has become the Alfred Hitchcock of cats, making cameo appearances that invariably influence the entire flic. Here, I explore life from her perspective (and perch)...and begin dancing with my hands, something I've enjoyed through the years. ...

What began as an exploration of movement in shadow three weeks ago becomes, today, an homage to Beethoven's brilliance. This part of Concerto No. 2 always chokes me up because of the beauty and silence and peace of it. (Turn your sound up to hear ...

Flowers; they are such beautiful things, and make wonderful additions to any work. I love when people buy me flowers. Like, roses are my favorite, but any kind of flowers will do ;)

There is an interesting connection between the top half of the body and the lower half. I didn't mean to coincide the movements in this video with that theme, but the way it came out brought it up in context, and I just ran with it!

A day begins from the bed, ends on the bed. For a slacker, I want to eat on bed, do homework on bed and, even dance and explore on bed.

The art of a pedestrian performance can be so fun to work with. The furry creature awaits by the sill and engages in the work itself.