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Results for: 'php lcom'

Informational health videos targeted at people with intellectual disabilities were made and evaluated as part of a Public Health Project.

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Age Well: Home Health Care Shortages in Northwestern VT during the COVID-19 Pandemic
PHP Group 09: Age Well Jeremy Altman, Matt Breseman, Edom Girma, Alex Kubacki, Louisa Moore, Amanda Nattress, Noah Sorkow, Kristen Wright

PHP - Group 3 UVMMC Poster Video
Our team worked with the UVMMC to determine ways to improve the Community Needs Health Assessment, especially in regards to outreach and consideration of underrepresented and diverse communities. As a pilot group for this sort of work, we looked i...

Poster presentation on financial stress in Vermont during Covid 19 era. The questions were part of a much larger survey which was conducted by United Way.

What impacted Vermonters the most during the COVID-19 pandemic?
PHP Team 17's final narrated poster.

Improving the Accessibility and Efficacy of the UVMMC CHNA to Populations Experiencing Homelessness
PHP Group 3- Recommendations for the CHNA to better serve, access, and learn from the population experiencing homelessness supplied by survey and key informant interview data.