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Results for: 'Appreciating Coltrane's Music'


Weekly Rites #3 - Mi Tian

By: mtian

I added part of the background music that made by my own because it sounds interesting to me. Also I cut the video based on its melody. Hope you like it!!


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...


Weekly Rites # 8 Benny Nduwayo

By: bnduwayo

In this Weekly Rite I was attempting to try new moves out once again. However, this time the music is different. Instead of African and Dance Hall, It is Rhythm and Blues.


MU 060 Arranging Project (1 of 2: Sibelius)

By: dfeurzei

Adding instruments and arranging in Sibelius


Holden Music Fargo Saini

By: sholden

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Lincourt, DeVuyst, Jones, Williams BSAD 015 Section A

By: slincour

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video