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Results for: 'Logic Project 3'


Murray, Jex, Grossman, Crispino, Fiorillo

By: kmurray2

BSAD 015 Section B Social Media Project Murray, Jex, Grossman, Crispino, Fiorillo


My Public Health Digital Story

By: cheath1

This is a project for the course Introduction to Public Health titled "My Digital Story"


Melting Migration: How reduced sea ice is starving polar bears during the summer

By: ewright6

Final podcast project for BIOL 195: Intro to Marine Science, Dr. May Collado


Class 10, Spring 20, modeling

By: mrosen

Narrated Class 10 lecture. What is modeling and how it relates to Major Project 2


Thinking Like an Artist Presentation

By: sjhurlbu

Why I chose to create my final project the way I did


Glass of Water Counting Device

By: bmonarca

This video is an overview of a device that counts the glasses of water someone drinks per day. It was made for the EE001 final project for the Spring 2020 semester.


EE 001 Final Project

By: emcgloon

Video of an interval timer.


Talks From the Tuna Tower: Illegal Fish

By: zisleib

Final project - podcast on all things illegal for fishing and trading, includes ecological impact.