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Results for: 'Logic Project 3'


Fishing For Goldfish - Sofia Sharp

By: sjsharp

This project is based on the film "Fishing For Goldfish," by the Lumiére Brothers. It first premiered in 1895.


Geology Seminar

By: jperdria

Julia Perdrial gives an overview on a newly funded project "Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales"


Physics project: 2 dimensional motion

By: nnilupae

Here is a 2-dimensional motion of an object


MMP - EE003 Clementine Module 2 Project

By: mmansfie

My presentation for EE003 module 2 presentation.


EE003 Module Project 2 - Dragon Fruit Circuit

By: arunci

This video describes how to use the Mesh Current Method and how I used it to solve the Dragon Fruit Circuit.


Video Data

By: nprugar

Final Project: Video Data