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Results for: 'Upwelling and El Nino Southern Oscillation'


NFS 143 Podcast Project Team 5

By: jrmccorm

In this episode, we will discuss what food insecurity is, what it looks like for college students, and what we should do about it. Food insecurity is a growing issue in our country today. As we explore the topic of food insecurity focused on colle...


What Every Dean and Director Needs to Know About Labor Relations in the New UVM Environment

By: kmalaney

Deans, Directors, and supervisors are navigating a new environment as more UVM employees have joined collective bargaining units. This video led by Peter Blackmer, Associate Chief HR Officer, offers valuable insights into how to better understand...


Agritourism Virtual Networking Session

By: csherloc

Farmers and ranchers, researchers, tourism professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, educators, agricultural service providers, and others interested in agritourism are invited to share their knowledge and experience. This session will have faci...


Nutrition Advice for Managing Food Allergies in College

By: hmtrembl

In this podcast we discuss food allergies and other dietary restrictions in college. Including how students can work to ensure they are getting enough of required nutrients, special considerations when eating in dining halls and school settings, a...


Outlook on the web

By: pjp

A brief overview of the web based email and calendar client for UVM. This version of Outlook on the web is part of Microsoft's Exchange Server 2016, and is UVM's web based solution for email and calendar as of December 29th, 2015.


End-of-life Choices in Vermont and Advanced Directives

By: 92csicca

Completing your advance care directive can be complicated. We’ll explore the values tool kit as well as various options available and will help you complete your advance directive. Class will include discussion about how to have “the conversat...


End-of-life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Discuss the continuum of care at end of life with a special focus on Act 39, Vermont’s Death with Dignity law. We will review other care options including unwanted medical treatment, inappropriate medical treatment, voluntary stopping of eating ...


Weekly Rite 7

By: semacdon

A weekly rite where I "disregard" the frame, and myself in it, entirely...or attempt something along those lines. The Frame. The Frame of Reference. Perspective. Viewpoint. Angle. What is framed is not important. My placement in the Frame is not i...


(lost and) found

By: omalone

how did i get here? it was a blur like a rainy day walk home when you look down focus on each step forward focusing your vision under your umbrella not fully remembering what or who you passed by on the way but your sneakers are wet...