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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


Physics Final Video

By: ckuiper

Physics 021 project.


Tree-of-Heaven Community Science: Using the Map and Submitting a Report

By: vmc

This is the second training video for FEMC's community science project. 0:00-2:40- Identifying a Parcel to Visit 2:40-6:20- Submitting a Report (Did Find Tree-of-Heaven) 6:20-8:47- Submitting a Report (Didn't Find Tree-of-Heaven)


Children information for study on motor learning

By: lsavard

This video describe the study procedures for children participating in the motor learning project


Project Overview: Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping

By: vmc

This video gives an overview of the Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping (NEFCCEM) study's background, as well as instructions on how to utilize its interactive GIS web experience.


Embed streaming video in blog post

By: waw

Silent movie illustrating steps to embed a video from this server in a blog post on


Applied Project by Andrea Magnant

By: almagnan

Three modified tasks performed by Linda


Breakfast Club Scene

By: rswolfe

Ideology project


Group 22: Food Shelves

By: kpokorny

Katelyn Pokorny, Sierra Jones, Raymond Curtis, Coco Mengyao