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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


PHYS021 Final Project New Video

By: ldwilkin

New video from better view of marble rolling down ramp 2m


New video: Physics project

By: dlohese

This is a new video of the ball falling of a ramp.


Final Lab Project Trial Video

By: mnachsin

This is a video of my trial for Lab phys 21.


New Video: Analysis

By: hmckeon

New video for final physics project.


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...


Aleah, Tyler, Jill - S2016 Projection

By: dellis1

My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...


Maddie, Elise, Lindsay, Patrick S2016 Projection

By: dellis1

My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...


Katherine, Peter, Sophia S2016 Projection

By: dellis1

My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...


Adam, Jon, Jen, Lake S2016 Projection

By: dellis1

My Integrated Fine Arts class, Film Begets Film, has a tradition of creating an experimental projection on outdoor walls on campus. This year the class was introduced to a new software by John Forbes in Theatre. QLab allows the user to create mult...