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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


Ayurveda: Group Hyssop

By: aberish

This project touches on the concepts of Ayurveda and how they connect to herbalism, plants, and modern day practices.


Pedagogical Sound Bite: The Power of Transparent Assignment Design

By: ctl

This workshop presents an overview of Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (TILT), an award-winning, scholarly project focused on improving students' learning experiences.  Evidence from a national study shows that when facul...


Rutland Project Model

By: kklepeis

This is a quick look at what we could do for a 3D model.


The Baby's Dinner: Lumieres Remake

By: swolfe1

This is my remake of The Lumiere Brothers' film "The Baby's Meal" from 1895. This project was done for Classical Cinema with Professor Sean Witters. The film stars Abbie Kopelowitz and Meghan Hessler and was directed by Sophie Wolfe. The film also...


Fishing For Goldfish - Sofia Sharp

By: sjsharp

This project is based on the film "Fishing For Goldfish," by the Lumiére Brothers. It first premiered in 1895.



By: dshaoul

darius shaoul mu060 logic project


MU 060 Logic MIIDI sequencing (1 of 2)

By: dfeurzei

Introduction to MIDI seqeuncing project, reviewing the nature of MIDI and MIDI messages


MU 060 Logic MIIDI sequencing (2 of 2)

By: dfeurzei

Instructions for MIDI sequencing project


Geology Seminar

By: jperdria

Julia Perdrial gives an overview on a newly funded project "Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales"