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Results for: 'Rise and fall of empires'


Physics 21 Fall 2020 trial 1 Kate Elkort

By: kelkort

Kate Elkorts video of motion of projectile


How the Star-Nosed Mole's Star Nose Really Works

By: ekgagne

Fall 2020 Mammalogy podcast project.


Feuer Art as Disaster Recovery

By: aifeuer

Ava Feuer's final research project for Fall 2020 HCOL185 seminar on hurricane Katrina.


Area Jury 2/2 Fall '20

By: edlewis

Area Jury Part 2/2 You Don't Know What Love Is, Solo Guitar


Area Jury 1/2 Fall '20

By: edlewis

Area Jury Part 1 There Will Never Be Another You With Joe Capps


OLLI Online Course: Stephen King’s Different Seasons: Four Novellas

By: 92csicca

Stephen King has described Different Seasons as “a book with stories in it about an offbeat prison break, an old man and a boy locked up in a gruesome relationship based on mutual parasitism, a quartet of country boys on a journey of discovery, ...


Weekly Rite 4

By: semacdon

Movement is observed, copied, and passed on. It is learned, challenged, and changed by each generation. We are born movers and we are changed by the movement we make and the movement we see. Watching children move changes the way that I see moveme...


Technologies and Processes Group A--Challenge Innovation Project--Composting Ecology and Management--Professor Neher

By: kbburnha

Technologies and Processes Group A--Challenge Innovation Project--Composting Ecology and Management--Professor Neher Bay Burnham Francis Cundari Kyle Dorsey


Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19, 5/6/20 Webinar (audio only)

By: clherric

Demand for local food is surging, and many Vermont farms are heeding the call to feed their communities. They have adapted time and again to the evolving COVID-19 situation to ensure the safety of their food, customers, employees, and farms. Theyâ...