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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


How to Access Career Center Resources on Blackboard

By: career

This 90-second video shows you how to gain instant access to UVM's Career Center resources.


What is Public Health?

By: htetzlaf

A brief video on Public Health, Hattie Tetzlaff


What Public Health Means to Me...

By: craihall

This is a video describing what peoples' interpretation of and understanding of public health is.


Technical Interview: Overview

By: career

This short video will give you the basics of what to expect and how to be successful in a technical interview.


How to Access Career Center Resources on Blackboard

By: career

This two-minute video shows you how to gain instant access to UVM's Career Center resources on Blackboard.


Introduction to Case Interviews

By: career

This 3-minute video provides an overview of case interviews.


LAT 002 Lab 5

By: mcmcinti

Present Subjunctive (there is no video for Lab 4).


Cancel or Modify an Appointment with the Undergrad Writing Center

By: writectr

A walk through of how to cancel or modify your appointment in WC Online for the Undergraduate Writing Center. The video has captions.


How to Order Full Text Articles Using Article Galaxy

By: danaref

This video will demonstrate how to order full text articles using the Article Galaxy service.