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Results for: 'herb walk'

Katherine Elmer takes Plant-Based healing Medicine students on a virtual tour of the array of medicinal plants available on UVM's campus.

how did i get here? it was a blur like a rainy day walk home when you look down focus on each step forward focusing your vision under your umbrella not fully remembering what or who you passed by on the way but your sneakers are wet...

Having rediscovered how painfully self-conscious I am dancing in front of the camera, I decided to do something I love -- walk.

Adobe Connect Microphone and Audio Wizard
Adobe Connect Microphone and Audio Wizard: This video will walk you through turning on your microphone, adjusting your mic settings, and running the audio setup wizard. If none of this works, you can always restart your computer! It works wonder...

Autumn is An artist who uses An oak leaf on which To paint a masterpiece. –William Allen Ward What a gorgeous day! Nothing like a joyful walk in the woods to get out some of the midterm stress. Instead of filming what I saw with my eye...

What I Like about this third weekly rite is the fact, I got to walk around Academic campus for 20 minutes while filming just the steps of my feet. I had a great experience.