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Results for: 'Making Gumbo History'


Decision-making: PrOACT and SMART analysis

By: jmurdoch

Decision-making: PrOACT and SMART analysis


Making accordions

By: dgoller

Making accordions in Drupal (Video Tutorial)


Sugarbush Value

By: uvmext

The recent period of expansion in the maple industry has seen both established operations grow and many new operations start from scratch. Some real estate listings of land include estimated potential taps. But how many of those taps are actually ...


Virtual Environments for Communicating Changing Forests

By: vmc

This was presented by Michael Mahoney as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Forests are dynamic systems, ...


Moving Johnson House at the University of Vermont

By: tvisser

In July 2005, the University of Vermont had its historic Johnson House moved across Main Street to make way for the construction of Dudley H. Davis Student Center in 2007. Originally built in 1806 at the corner of Main Street and University Place,...



By: anbuchan

Second introductory lecture on timelines of Big History


109 lect 1a major scales pt 1

By: dfeurzei

History of accidentals and key signatures


UVM Art History Symposium 2021

By: khelmstu

Erin Petit: Hidden Histories: The Colmar Treasure and Jewish Cultural Heritage Kat Schinella: Orientalism in Auction Houses: A Provenance Exploration of Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1948 Farm Yard in the Fleming Museum of Art Dulcie Ulloa: The Deat...


Pinterest - How to Create

By: hag

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool to collect links to images. Image links are placed on "boards" in the order in which you collect them. You can create multiple boards based on topics of your choosing. The thumbnail images it creates link bac...