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Results for: 'A Day in the Life'


University of Vermont Biology Thanksgiving: Gratitude in Science

By: tsoleary

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to take a step back from the day-to-day grind and take a mental inventory of the things for which we are grateful: our family, friends, colleagues, homes, & health. This is especially important in a brutal year...


Our Community's Health: Equity and Discrimination

By: moet

This project, Our Community's Health: What's Important to You?, was a cross-sectional survey distributed to partners of the United Way of Northern Vermont. 1061 participants were asked to report whether they believed members of their community ...


College Life in a Pandemic - Final Presentations

By: mcope

Two final group presentations from Dec. 11, 2020 by students in GEOG186/GSWS195 "Qualitative Research Methods". The projects were part of the Civic Learning element of the course. One group examined "Experiencing and Enacting College Life in a Pan...


Presentation on Olivia Parker

By: ctcamero

This is the video presentation of my research on the still life photographer Olivia Parker


Photography Final

By: ctcamero

This is the compilation of my best photographs in still life, some inspired by the work of Olivia Parker.


forever 5

By: omalone

don't stop imagining the day you do is the day that you die remember what its like to loose gravity


Yoga Day Video

By: jroles

Yoga Day Video by Ulie Roles, Ali House, Laura Birdsall, and Sufi