Uploaded by uvmext on 02/24/2022
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Organic Maple Syrup.srt (2KB)
Certified organic maple syrup is produced by many Vermont maple producers and generally commands a higher price in the marketplace. In order to legally market your syrup as "organic" an approved third-party certifier such as Vermont Organic Farmers must inspect all aspects of your operation. What makes one operations syrup organic and another does not have more to do with the process of making the syrup than with the final product. The application and inspection process will determine if all the requirements have been met and if sufficient record keeping is done to trace a given container of syrup back to the day it was produced. The keys to certification include documenting that cultural practices are being followed to ensure a healthy, diverse forest ecosystem and that no synthetic materials are used in the production of sap or syrup. Additionally, certified organic maple operations must adhere to a specific set of tapping guidelines, forest management, and syrup production practices approved by the particular certifier.
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