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Results for: 'na'

Recorded Speaking Assignment: Study Spots Review
Libby Frassinelli Lily Gums Madison Relyea Devon Leonard Lydia Reedy

NEFIN: The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network
The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network (NEFIN) aggregates and standardizes continuous forest inventory (CFI) data from monitoring programs across the northeastern United States. In this webinar, we explore the NEFIN online tool's features, incl...

Nutritional Impacts on Development in Toddlers by Maria, Sarah, Aiden, Katherine, Lauren
Nutrition in the lifecycle group project

Group 10 Podcast - Infact Nutrition Myths
In our podcast, we explore the prevalent fear-mongering that exists surrounding infant feeding practices. We investigate the ways marketing tactics capitalize on parental anxieties, pushing them toward an idealized, black-and-white perception of b...