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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


Physics Projectile Motion Video Russom

By: zrussom

Firing a projectile horizontally 2 meters.


Physics 21 Fall 2020 trial 1 Kate Elkort

By: kelkort

Kate Elkorts video of motion of projectile


Grace Bailey Physics 021 Trial Video

By: gabailey

Still working on getting the projectile to stop at 2m. Still need to experiment with projectiles/design possibly. This is a trial using a pencil eraser but it does bounce a bit too much on landing.


complex categoricals

By: mcweiner

A video about translating categorical sentences that have complex subjects or predicates.


only and categorical compounds

By: mcweiner

A video on how to translate categorical statements with "only" in them, and compounds of categorical statements.



By: 97dconne

video lecture CDAE168 Marketing Plans


How to Log Into Library Resources from Off Campus

By: danaref

This video will show you how to log into Dana Medical Library resources and services if you are not on campus in Burlington, VT.


CS021 - Python Sets

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


CS021 - Python Dictionaries

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition