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Results for: 'information access'


Undergrad Writing Center - Make an Appointment

By: writectr

This video shows how to make an appointment at the UVM Undergraduate Writing Center through WCOnline after you have registered for an account. It walks through logging in, choosing a tutor and time that works for you, and filling in the necessary ...


Webinar: Tracking Shifts in Disturbance Regimes

By: vmc

A webinar sharing information about the FEMC online tool: Tracking Shifts in Disturbance Regimes that can be used to track changes, explore trends, and look for shifts in disturbance regimes across northeastern forests.


NSCI 195 Elevator Pitch

By: clclemen

There is a company at a career fair that works in an industry I'm curious about getting into. I pitch myself then ask for more information about their work.


HCOL's Partner Programs

By: sclark3

Screencast presentation with basic information about the Honors College's two partner programs: 1) the Principia Honors Consortium at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and 2) University College Maastricht at Maastricht University in the Nether...


Syrup Quality - Density

By: uvmext

Producing pure maple syrup is a time honored tradition in Vermont. Whether you are a large producer filling drums and selling on the bulk market or a backyard producer making just enough for family and a few lucky friends, syrup quality is critica...


Children information for study on motor learning

By: lsavard

This video describe the study procedures for children participating in the motor learning project


Working Session: Forest Management Across Property Boundaries: The Woodlots Program Toolkit

By: vmc

This was a working session led by Monica Przyperhart as a part of the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. With over 80% of land in Vermont in private ownership, maintaining forest health and resilience relies heavily on the decisions and actions of la...


Ground Truthing Forest Change in Working Forests of the US Northeast

By: vmc

This was presented by Madeleine Desrochers as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Remote monitoring tools ar...


Urban Tree Inventory Tools and the Road to Healthy Tree Canopy Cover

By: vmc

This was presented by Joanne Garton as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Updates to the Vermont Municipal ...