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Results for: 'Music theory'



By: ktien

Jury for music class


Percussion Jury Spring 2020

By: cburges1

My performance of "Butterfly" by Nils Rowher and an etude for snare drum, for my percussion jury spring 2020


Big Joe Stowe

By: waw

The late Big Joe Burrell with the Unknown Blues Band provide the soundtrack to this Stowe Mountain Resort promotional music video. Really low quality, but I do recognize David Goodman bending his knee down the Bruce. Also features classic runs fro...


The One About Alcohol

By: efpope

Is alcohol a health food? What does it do to your brain and how do we metabolize it? Can you be as cool as Prof. Lizzy if you don't drink it? All of these questions and more answered during a round of Never Have I Ever. Intro - 0:21 Lizzy's...


The One About Fat Soluble Vitamins

By: efpope

In this video we talk about the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K! Check out what makes each one special, and in what foods or other sources you can find them. Fat vs. Water Soluble Vitamins - 0:56 Vitamin Functions - 2:01 Vitamin A - 2:5...