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Results for: 'homework video'


Professional Practice Tool: Osteoarthritis

By: mbailey6

Video of professional practice tool for diet and disease.


CS125 - P,NP,NP-Complete and NP-Hard

By: rdasari

This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.


Chapter 4 Income Statement

By: shughes

Chapter 4 video lecture


M_6 Team Project

By: sli17

This video is about how we can incorporate joyful movement into our life.


Beyond Ramen

By: medward1

NFS223 video component of final education project


Classroom Mics and Mic Packs - Connecting/Disconnecting

By: helpline

In this video, we describe how to connect and disconnect a classroom microphone to the mic packs, available in some campus classrooms.