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Results for: 'Who are you really?The puzzle of personality.'


Writing the Proposal Pitch Page

By: ktoksu

OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., discusses the "pitch" page of a proposal: the first page of the major prose section of a proposal. Reviewers will likely come to a general decision about you, your idea, and the clarity of your...


Create a Blackboard Banner

By: ctl

This video walks you through the steps of creating a banner image using the free web tool


De-fogging the Eurocentric Lens: Okinawa and Gujarat Food Patterns; Part I

By: jpashko

Each video provides a brief description of the cultural food practices of Gujarat, India and Okinawa, Japan. By the end of the videos, you'll have an increased understanding of traditional food patterns, dietary assessment of common foods, challen...


De-fogging the Eurocentric Lens: Okinawa and Gujarat Food Patterns; Part 2

By: jpashko

Each video provides a brief description of the cultural food practices of Gujarat, India and Okinawa, Japan. By the end of the videos, you'll have an increased understanding of traditional food patterns, dietary assessment of common foods, challen...


2003-03-24 SkiVt-L Party Day 2

By: waw

How many skiers can you fit down the Bruce Trail?


Getting Started with Handshake

By: career

More than just a job/internship board, Handshake uses AI to present opportunities related to your expressed interests helping you discover possibilities and gain experience!


Resume Bullets

By: career

Impactful descriptions of your experiences are essential to crafting a resume that will get you noticed. Get some great tips from AC, UVM Career Counselor & Pre-Law Advisor


Public Health Video Project

By: lstigers

What is public health? What are its functions? How can you be a part of public health? Intended audience: 8th graders