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Results for: 'One Health'
For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular theme or ideas in mind prior to starting. I really just wanted to make it more dance-oriented, as many of my previous videos have been on other things. I had a lot of fun playing with the space...
Most of my weekly rites up til now have been less "dance-y" but after seeing Sean Dorsey Dance perform on Friday night, I was inspired improvise focusing on gesture and hand/arm-initiated movement. I like dancing in response to performances that I...
Writing the Proposal Pitch Page
OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., discusses the "pitch" page of a proposal: the first page of the major prose section of a proposal. Reviewers will likely come to a general decision about you, your idea, and the clarity of your...
Dear Belkys and Lynn: Help! We live in the small town of Starksboro, VT, population 1700 or so. We still have one of them old timey giant C-Band satellite dishes in our backyard. It brings us FOX TV via WSVN Miami. More importantly, it br...
Designing Presentations: Posters (Pt 1)
Captioned. Part one of Designing Presentations. This video covers designing posters.
Join us online or by phone for a conversation with Zac Smith from UVM Extension Farm Viability to provide an overview of how to get started online, following up on his terrific conversation with the UVM Extension Ag. Engineering podcast. Having a...